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Sunday, December 15, 2024

Hearing & Answering Your Calling

Within us lies the potential for a meaningful, fulfilling, and significant life. If we are able to hear and answer to what brings the most and the best out of us for the most and the best that it can go to.

Some people are fortunate enough to be born into what they’re meant for. Some others discover or stumble upon it soon after. Others take longer but eventually get there. While others miss out and live and die without it. Who are you or who will you be?

Many people are evidently gifted. If not with a particular talent, then with an undeniable passion that will make up for it. That may be their calling. But for many others, it is not that simple. Their talent isn’t as obvious and their passion fades or goes in different directions. Their calling may happen or be discernable later on. Then, from there, whether they answer to it or not is another story.

It may sound superstitious or as if it is necessarily some kind of divine power at work. But even without believing in any of that, it is still something observable in life, whether you want to attribute it to the spirit in us or view it as part of what makes up a living organism inside a greater living organism, pushing to serve a purpose.

But what if you do? What if you heard and answered your calling? Does that mean everything will go smoothly from there? No, it won’t. It might go more smoothly than when you were off track, chasing after something that is far from aligned with you, if you were. But you will still face obstacles and challenges. The difference is that it’ll be as though more of you will be on your side to overcome and get past them. You’ll have low days and dreaded chores still, but you won’t be constantly fighting against yourself to keep moving.

It puts you at an advantage. You will be striving to become more of who you truly are and allowing more of that to come out and spread over. And the competition you’ll have is yourself. If others try to copy and imitate you, they will always be steps behind. Or there’s just no need to compete with others, for you’ll be genuinely happy, whether you stand out for it or not, being and doing you - and that’s rewarding in and of itself.

CREDIT: AI-Generated Examples done on Leonardo.AI