As an artist, and in other roles too, there are different types of people that you will encounter. They may prove to be anywhere from extremely favorable to extremely unfavorable to you. Here are only a few (more might be added in the future). Not necessarily in descending order from best to worst, but grouped by how recommendable they are or not to be invested in. And under this category, as allies.
• The Champion
Loud and bold, they’re comparatively unafraid of conflict and going against the grain. They would take the lead and face the consequences before others, pushing forward while enduring the first hits for daring to stand out and fight for something. With them on your side, there is hope of making progress against the odds.
• The Compass
Moral and ethical, they’re in tune with what is right and what is wrong. And more likely than not, they would feel so strongly about it that they’d readily speak out if things are going (or seem) stray. They’ll watch for hypocrisy, too, looking into people’s principles and values and how consistently they adhere to them. During dilemmas, they are able to weigh and sort out matters and issues.
• The Strategist
Both theoretical and practical, they’re able to bring ideas to reality. Or at least as much as it is possible to execute and produce. They can make the hard decisions, knowing that sometimes compromising is necessary and that something is better than nothing. You may not like the options suggested to approach and solve a problem, but they would be realistic and effective. Perceives the underlying formulas and formulates plans.
• The Historian
Attentive and retentive, they’re basically archives of what happened, when, where, how, and why. Able to recall relevant information that could break or make an argument or policy. And whatever they don’t know or aren’t completely sure of, they’ll gladly research to be as informed and accurate as they can be.
• The Affected
They may lack talents and skills, or even be handicapped in some way, but as someone personally affected, they can provide valuable input by sharing their first-hand experience through their own perspective. However, depending on the gravity of what they went through, they may be anywhere from easy to difficult to exchange with.
• The Unvirtuous
They lack the virtues that others possess, but are not necessarily ill-intended. They may be a blank slate that is there to learn, or someone with plenty to unlearn but who also is compelled to join and try. They could be successfully guided toward merit but not much can be expected of them until they arrive there.
Not Recommendable
• The Illusionist
They only care about their image. What’s underneath is, to them, of no importance. They can move and operate solely on impressions, staying on a shallow plane, and may even lack the awareness to realize that they lack substance. It is about “being on the right side” so that they can reap the benefits of that and avoid liabilities of otherwise.
• The Clouter
They collect “clout” like it’s a game. As if scoring points that, as they accumulate, put them in higher and higher positions of authority. So that their claims are less questioned and their statements treated as law. And in this pursuit, they could be quite underhanded.
• The Swayed
They switch sides like there’s nothing holding them in place. Influenceable and reactive, a few empty words or even senseless propaganda could be enough to change their mind. They might like to believe that they are being rational and accepting the facts, but they are losing touch and sight of all else that should be factored in as they are persuaded.
• The Vicious
They are only there for the excuse and justification to tear others apart. The cause is their shield for their cruel actions. They’ll look for any opportunity to lash out, attack, and destroy. Could mercilessly nitpick and make mountains out of a molehill. They’ll turn on you as soon as there isn’t anything else to take out their vices on.
Alternatively, as an ally, do you see yourself among the Not Recommendable or the Tolerable/Manageable and don’t like it? Start/keep working on your improvement.
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Types of Teammates you will Encounter as an Artist
As an artist, and in other roles too, there are different types of people that you will encounter. They may prove to be anywhere from extremely favorable to extremely unfavorable to you. Here are only a few (more might be added in the future). Not necessarily in descending order from best to worst, but grouped by how recommendable they are or not to be invested in. And under this category, as teammates.
• The Unifier
They can and will mediate. Outstanding communicators and even diplomats. Able to smooth things out but also address tensions, obvious or not, that may be impairing relationships. They are acutely aware of the importance of having a sense of belonging and connectedness, but also of the individual needs for space as nothing forced is lasting.
• The Challenger
They may accept where you are currently, applaud it even, but they won’t overlook your potential for more. Not fond of stagnation, they may encourage you to take on tasks and goals that push you to grow further. Could engage you in friendly taunts for it if not just point to the areas you have yet to expand onto.
• The Tutor
They’ll pay close attention to your progress, as if you’re one of the few personal projects they are deeply invested into. They genuinely wish to see you do and be well, excel even, and would celebrate your triumphs as they take part in making them happen. Whether they’re three or more steps ahead of you, they’d gladly help you catch up until you can continue on your own or they have nothing else to show you.
• The Reliable
They are there for what you need. Not necessarily for what you want, as catering to your whims is not their job, but if you do genuinely require assistance with something, chances are that, if it is within their abilities, they’ll give you a hand with it. And you can count on a satisfying delivery.
• The Restless
They cannot be still for long. And while that can be contagious for the better, mobilizing others, there will be times when it is counterproductive. Potentially turning into a nuisance. Pacing and pausing at times is not a luxury but a necessity. And that’s something they don’t seem to grasp or put into practice.
• The Climber
They want to go up. It is certainly fine to strive to improve and reach higher levels, whether that means you surpass others or not. But watch out for the people who do it primarily to be “above others” and would even use and discard others as stepping stones. This fixation can turn destructive fast.
Not Recommendable
• The Finger-pointer
They always have something to complain about. But not in themselves (at least not as often or to the same degree), in others. They’ll pick flaws and shortcomings whether or not it will be conducive to any betterment. They would do it out of habit or worse. In attempts to distract from their own by making another seem worse. The hypocrisy can and does become evident, but fighting it at every turn isn’t worth it.
• The Dimmer
They bring the morale and the overall enthusiasm down. It’s not about redirecting toward a more suitable path. It is about keeping others in low spirits. It may be intentional or not, but the result is the same. Performance drops as people become doubtful and/or indifferent about what they’re doing. Uncalled for remarks abound that are more a poison than a remedy.
• The Infiltrated
They aren’t part of the team, but you don’t know that. Physically, they’re there. Mentally, maybe so as well. But not in heart and spirit. They may do the bare minimum to pass as one or even go above and beyond so they aren’t suspected. However, ultimately, they are bound to leave or even betray once they get what they were after - which wasn’t agreed upon.
• The Divider
They sow discordance between others. Gossiping, comparing, triangulating, and just generally inciting conflict, suspicion, and anything that would erode the team’s cohesion for no valid reason. They could truly have personal issues that cause them to behave this way, unable to be a part of something else. Or they could be doing it on purpose for the sake of breaking things up. Whatever the case, they are a disease.
Alternatively, as a teammate, do you see yourself among the Not Recommendable or the Tolerable/Manageable and don’t like it? Start/keep working on your improvement.
• The Unifier
They can and will mediate. Outstanding communicators and even diplomats. Able to smooth things out but also address tensions, obvious or not, that may be impairing relationships. They are acutely aware of the importance of having a sense of belonging and connectedness, but also of the individual needs for space as nothing forced is lasting.
• The Challenger
They may accept where you are currently, applaud it even, but they won’t overlook your potential for more. Not fond of stagnation, they may encourage you to take on tasks and goals that push you to grow further. Could engage you in friendly taunts for it if not just point to the areas you have yet to expand onto.
• The Tutor
They’ll pay close attention to your progress, as if you’re one of the few personal projects they are deeply invested into. They genuinely wish to see you do and be well, excel even, and would celebrate your triumphs as they take part in making them happen. Whether they’re three or more steps ahead of you, they’d gladly help you catch up until you can continue on your own or they have nothing else to show you.
• The Reliable
They are there for what you need. Not necessarily for what you want, as catering to your whims is not their job, but if you do genuinely require assistance with something, chances are that, if it is within their abilities, they’ll give you a hand with it. And you can count on a satisfying delivery.
• The Restless
They cannot be still for long. And while that can be contagious for the better, mobilizing others, there will be times when it is counterproductive. Potentially turning into a nuisance. Pacing and pausing at times is not a luxury but a necessity. And that’s something they don’t seem to grasp or put into practice.
• The Climber
They want to go up. It is certainly fine to strive to improve and reach higher levels, whether that means you surpass others or not. But watch out for the people who do it primarily to be “above others” and would even use and discard others as stepping stones. This fixation can turn destructive fast.
Not Recommendable
• The Finger-pointer
They always have something to complain about. But not in themselves (at least not as often or to the same degree), in others. They’ll pick flaws and shortcomings whether or not it will be conducive to any betterment. They would do it out of habit or worse. In attempts to distract from their own by making another seem worse. The hypocrisy can and does become evident, but fighting it at every turn isn’t worth it.
• The Dimmer
They bring the morale and the overall enthusiasm down. It’s not about redirecting toward a more suitable path. It is about keeping others in low spirits. It may be intentional or not, but the result is the same. Performance drops as people become doubtful and/or indifferent about what they’re doing. Uncalled for remarks abound that are more a poison than a remedy.
• The Infiltrated
They aren’t part of the team, but you don’t know that. Physically, they’re there. Mentally, maybe so as well. But not in heart and spirit. They may do the bare minimum to pass as one or even go above and beyond so they aren’t suspected. However, ultimately, they are bound to leave or even betray once they get what they were after - which wasn’t agreed upon.
• The Divider
They sow discordance between others. Gossiping, comparing, triangulating, and just generally inciting conflict, suspicion, and anything that would erode the team’s cohesion for no valid reason. They could truly have personal issues that cause them to behave this way, unable to be a part of something else. Or they could be doing it on purpose for the sake of breaking things up. Whatever the case, they are a disease.
Alternatively, as a teammate, do you see yourself among the Not Recommendable or the Tolerable/Manageable and don’t like it? Start/keep working on your improvement.
Types of Partners you will Encounter as an Artist
As an artist, and in other roles too, there are different types of people that you will encounter. They may prove to be anywhere from extremely favorable to extremely unfavorable to you. Here are only a few (more might be added in the future). Not necessarily in descending order from best to worst, but grouped by how recommendable they are or not to be invested in. And under this category, as partners.
• The Once-in-a-Lifetime
You inspire and motivate each other without even trying. Not only do you click, but it’s as though your prayers have been answered with bonuses. Or they are what you didn’t know you needed or even wanted, but now that they’re there, you feel blessed. It may be mutual or not, but you’re fortunate and they’re glad regardless. Whether it lasts for life or only for a period of it, you come better out of it.
• The Match
You’re a great fit. You complement and/or enhance each other. There’s no sense of superiority or inferiority between you two. And anyone comparing you both for it is missing the point. You work well together, quite effortlessly. And it is beneficial. It might be a pleasant surprise as you feared you were without one. But they exist.
• The Devoted
It isn’t perfect, but they care enough to get as close to it as they can manage. They’ll pay attention, correct and improve themselves, and strive to contribute positively to you and what you’re doing together. They are invested and committed.
• The Dealmaker
Sentimentality may be absent, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t taking it seriously. They are so professional about it that you can rest assured that what has been agreed upon will be delivered. And failure to do so will be handled maturely, with due apologies and/or compensation. Things will be clearly stated and outlined, so you’re on the same page about what’s expected.
• The Malleable
May seem favorable but leaves some to be desired. You might feel alone, making all the decisions, without any significant input to steer you in any direction. If you’re wrong, they won’t be the one to tell you. You might even be worried about the influence you have on them, wishing they had more of a say for themselves. But otherwise, someone you can guide into being of help.
• The Conceited
They’ve been indulged and it shows. Their standards are high and they could be bratty about them. All while not meeting them themselves. However, not being a matter of malice or worse issues, they can still be set right for a more even exchange. Whether that extra hassle is worth it (or inescapable) is another matter.
Not Recommendable
• The Deadweight
You don’t usually nag but, with them, you turn into a nagger. Because you’ll kindly ask for something reasonable once, and they’ll put it off or find excuses. So you’re tempted to ask for less and you do. But they’ll also put it off or find excuses. And you go for less and less, but it’s still the same. You figure it’s easier to handle yourself what you can. But then, even when you ask for the bare minimum, it is a problem. They’re only slowing you down.
• The Saboteur
They speak and act like they’re on your side, but they’re really not. Consciously or subconsciously, they don’t want you to succeed. Maybe they don’t want success for themselves either, so they’re taking or keeping you down with them. Or maybe they’re undercover, simply there to sabotage you.
• The Narcissist
They’re a leech and not even a logical one. They are so unreasonable that they cannot be reasoned with. You cannot even predict their moves by assuming they have their best interests at heart, because they’re stuck in toxic cycles and absorbing others into them. They’ll say and do whatever they believe is most convenient to them, and you be damned.
• The Psycho
Dangerous if not just terrifying, taking things too far. Could become overly attached, ignoring and crossing boundaries, and justify any and all of their actions as ‘inevitable’ because this is how you or this is making them. Chaos and destruction thrill them.
Alternatively, as a partner, do you see yourself among the Not Recommendable or the Tolerable/Manageable and don’t like it? Start/keep working on your improvement.
• The Once-in-a-Lifetime
You inspire and motivate each other without even trying. Not only do you click, but it’s as though your prayers have been answered with bonuses. Or they are what you didn’t know you needed or even wanted, but now that they’re there, you feel blessed. It may be mutual or not, but you’re fortunate and they’re glad regardless. Whether it lasts for life or only for a period of it, you come better out of it.
• The Match
You’re a great fit. You complement and/or enhance each other. There’s no sense of superiority or inferiority between you two. And anyone comparing you both for it is missing the point. You work well together, quite effortlessly. And it is beneficial. It might be a pleasant surprise as you feared you were without one. But they exist.
• The Devoted
It isn’t perfect, but they care enough to get as close to it as they can manage. They’ll pay attention, correct and improve themselves, and strive to contribute positively to you and what you’re doing together. They are invested and committed.
• The Dealmaker
Sentimentality may be absent, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t taking it seriously. They are so professional about it that you can rest assured that what has been agreed upon will be delivered. And failure to do so will be handled maturely, with due apologies and/or compensation. Things will be clearly stated and outlined, so you’re on the same page about what’s expected.
• The Malleable
May seem favorable but leaves some to be desired. You might feel alone, making all the decisions, without any significant input to steer you in any direction. If you’re wrong, they won’t be the one to tell you. You might even be worried about the influence you have on them, wishing they had more of a say for themselves. But otherwise, someone you can guide into being of help.
• The Conceited
They’ve been indulged and it shows. Their standards are high and they could be bratty about them. All while not meeting them themselves. However, not being a matter of malice or worse issues, they can still be set right for a more even exchange. Whether that extra hassle is worth it (or inescapable) is another matter.
Not Recommendable
• The Deadweight
You don’t usually nag but, with them, you turn into a nagger. Because you’ll kindly ask for something reasonable once, and they’ll put it off or find excuses. So you’re tempted to ask for less and you do. But they’ll also put it off or find excuses. And you go for less and less, but it’s still the same. You figure it’s easier to handle yourself what you can. But then, even when you ask for the bare minimum, it is a problem. They’re only slowing you down.
• The Saboteur
They speak and act like they’re on your side, but they’re really not. Consciously or subconsciously, they don’t want you to succeed. Maybe they don’t want success for themselves either, so they’re taking or keeping you down with them. Or maybe they’re undercover, simply there to sabotage you.
• The Narcissist
They’re a leech and not even a logical one. They are so unreasonable that they cannot be reasoned with. You cannot even predict their moves by assuming they have their best interests at heart, because they’re stuck in toxic cycles and absorbing others into them. They’ll say and do whatever they believe is most convenient to them, and you be damned.
• The Psycho
Dangerous if not just terrifying, taking things too far. Could become overly attached, ignoring and crossing boundaries, and justify any and all of their actions as ‘inevitable’ because this is how you or this is making them. Chaos and destruction thrill them.
Alternatively, as a partner, do you see yourself among the Not Recommendable or the Tolerable/Manageable and don’t like it? Start/keep working on your improvement.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
I’m Santa Claus Too
I haven’t been very festive this year for this month, but no way I’m not gonna at least show up for Christmas Eve! So here’s me as the IDGAF (actually, I do) Santa Claus. 🎅
I’ve been mostly tired and hiding - but still paying attention, making a list and checking it twice. Also making a promise to myself to have a jollier time next one. Gotta manage and handle more sooner so this period is more of a break, AS IT IS SUPPOSED TO.
Nonetheless, it is still not too late to celebrate and wish you all Happy Holidays!
Family, friends, people who have been with me through thick and thin, people lending a hand, people doing their best, you all are cherished. And to all the real Santas out there, going around the world and making it better: I hope that all the good you do comes back to you multiplied, either in expected or unexpected ways! To all of you! 🎁🎄🎁
Those of us who have lost dear ones and especially miss them during these celebrations, I’m with you and I wish you all that you require to make and be at peace, whether that’s by keeping their spirit close or by letting them go to live a life they would have been glad for you to have.
And IYKYK, lots is coming regardless! 🌟
Monday, December 23, 2024
Touching Ground
If you’re trying to put your feet on the ground but can’t quite reach a firm landing, here’s some more anchoring to pull you from being stuck dwelling within the clouds.
Yes, subtext exists. While it is probable that you have interpreted many things correctly and others not so accurately, you can certify which is which over time (as more concrete and definite answers become more accessible to you). Yes, there are occasions when there’s not much or no meaning at all behind things despite what we’re inclined to believe, but for certain not all is merely to be taken at face value alone. Likewise, there is indeed more to repeated coincidences (or "coincidences"). And yes, there are those who pay extra attention, deciphering and such - just like you.
Moreover, in a world where everyone seems to be in the business of lying, people still exist who do mean what they say. And when in doubt, they can reassure you again.
Yes, subtext exists. While it is probable that you have interpreted many things correctly and others not so accurately, you can certify which is which over time (as more concrete and definite answers become more accessible to you). Yes, there are occasions when there’s not much or no meaning at all behind things despite what we’re inclined to believe, but for certain not all is merely to be taken at face value alone. Likewise, there is indeed more to repeated coincidences (or "coincidences"). And yes, there are those who pay extra attention, deciphering and such - just like you.
Moreover, in a world where everyone seems to be in the business of lying, people still exist who do mean what they say. And when in doubt, they can reassure you again.
Friday, December 20, 2024
Capricorn's Description
Capricorn, the tenth sign, is an earth and cardinal sign, linked with ambition and responsibility. Known for its diligence and pragmatism, Capricorn strives for success through hard work and discipline. Often associated with maturity and wisdom, they possess a strong sense of purpose and understand the value of time. Their steadfast nature ensures that they achieve their goals with focus. Symbolized by the goat is its ability to climb to the highest peaks of achievement, overcoming obstacles with resilience and perseverance.
Spiritually, Capricorn forces us to strive for mastery and self-mastery. It teaches us the importance of managing ourselves, setting goals, and working towards them.
For context and more of relevance, please read about The Zodiac.
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Hearing & Answering Your Calling
Within us lies the potential for a meaningful, fulfilling, and significant life. If we are able to hear and answer to what brings the most and the best out of us for the most and the best that it can go to.
Some people are fortunate enough to be born into what they’re meant for. Some others discover or stumble upon it soon after. Others take longer but eventually get there. While others miss out and live and die without it. Who are you or who will you be?
Many people are evidently gifted. If not with a particular talent, then with an undeniable passion that will make up for it. That may be their calling. But for many others, it is not that simple. Their talent isn’t as obvious and their passion fades or goes in different directions. Their calling may happen or be discernable later on. Then, from there, whether they answer to it or not is another story.
It may sound superstitious or as if it is necessarily some kind of divine power at work. But even without believing in any of that, it is still something observable in life, whether you want to attribute it to the spirit in us or view it as part of what makes up a living organism inside a greater living organism, pushing to serve a purpose.
But what if you do? What if you heard and answered your calling? Does that mean everything will go smoothly from there? No, it won’t. It might go more smoothly than when you were off track, chasing after something that is far from aligned with you, if you were. But you will still face obstacles and challenges. The difference is that it’ll be as though more of you will be on your side to overcome and get past them. You’ll have low days and dreaded chores still, but you won’t be constantly fighting against yourself to keep moving.
It puts you at an advantage. You will be striving to become more of who you truly are and allowing more of that to come out and spread over. And the competition you’ll have is yourself. If others try to copy and imitate you, they will always be steps behind. Or there’s just no need to compete with others, for you’ll be genuinely happy, whether you stand out for it or not, being and doing you - and that’s rewarding in and of itself.
CREDIT: AI-Generated Examples done on Leonardo.AI
Friday, December 13, 2024
4EVER a Romantic (10of10)
It’s been a while since the last time and it’s now time for more lyrics highlights! These are lyrics that, throughout the years, I was personally enamored with and, for many years more to come, I’ll gently keep within my heart.
Most of them are songs that I, quite recently (the past couple of years), picked up again. But there was one missing to complete the set. So I went further back (about a decade ago?). And Firestone, the one in red, is exactly it, so I've picked it up too. It belongs here more than anywhere else, now that I see them all in hindsight. Back when I used to listen to Firestone a lot (and I did, disproportionally so), I loved it for what it spoke of and wished for something like that to happen to me (I mainly recommend the lyrics video, but the official and the acoustic music videos can also be a trip). Today, I’m just, indescribably, beyond glad that the song exists and can be part of this mix. 😌
Beware, though! If you’ll immerse in it. This compilation is a rollercoaster ride, going slow and fast, with ups and downs, crashing and burning, and somehow left standing regardless. But ultimately, there’s undeniable (and unspeakable) love in, through, and out of all of it. And sometimes, only sometimes, the most unforgettable relationships are just like that.
So here’s to the irremediable romantics.
If there’s ever not enough love to go around, we’ll still be the love that’s lacking! 💗
Most of them are songs that I, quite recently (the past couple of years), picked up again. But there was one missing to complete the set. So I went further back (about a decade ago?). And Firestone, the one in red, is exactly it, so I've picked it up too. It belongs here more than anywhere else, now that I see them all in hindsight. Back when I used to listen to Firestone a lot (and I did, disproportionally so), I loved it for what it spoke of and wished for something like that to happen to me (I mainly recommend the lyrics video, but the official and the acoustic music videos can also be a trip). Today, I’m just, indescribably, beyond glad that the song exists and can be part of this mix. 😌
Beware, though! If you’ll immerse in it. This compilation is a rollercoaster ride, going slow and fast, with ups and downs, crashing and burning, and somehow left standing regardless. But ultimately, there’s undeniable (and unspeakable) love in, through, and out of all of it. And sometimes, only sometimes, the most unforgettable relationships are just like that.
So here’s to the irremediable romantics.
If there’s ever not enough love to go around, we’ll still be the love that’s lacking! 💗
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Comfort & Security or Luxury & Status
You can have them all, for sure! And if you’re aspiring to thrive, and not just survive, aiming for all of them, in some measure, at some point, is a good idea.
But have you wondered enough about them? What do they really mean? What do they imply and entail? And what obsessing with any of these says and tells others about you? Here’s a hint: it is not what makes you better than the rest.
Comfort and security serve a preservation purpose while luxury and status serve a positioning purpose. The former has to do more with the self, what you need and want regardless of others, and the latter has to do more with others, what you need and want regardless of yourself. And if you can accomplish all of it, what is there left to worry about? They don’t have to be at odds.
If you tend to value comfort and security the most, having your own space for nourishment and enrichment is important to you. You might be what can be called a homebody. You are possibly modest, even humble. And might have trouble wrapping your head around why others invest so much in showing off - often at the expense of having comfort and security first.
If you tend to value luxury and status the most, your image and how others view you is important to you. You might be what can be called vain. Perhaps you are acutely aware of how that benefits you, opening up opportunities for you, getting you VIP treatment, and allowing you into some of the most select areas and circles. You could have trouble understanding why anyone would pass up on that - and rejoice in the lifestyle that so few get to have.
You could have been brought up like this and it is simply what you are familiar with, so that is how you roll, unquestioningly. Or, on the contrary, you lacked it so much before that you committed to never again be without it (may take it to the extreme, too). Either way, prejudice and resentment could form.
However, while it is sensible to say that one must learn to prioritize and practice moderation, completely denying yourself some level of any would do you a disservice. It is still up to you to figure out what you genuinely appreciate the most and in what amount, as well as what would be a suitable means to a worthy end, but watch out for the pressure to value in excess what you sincerely wouldn’t.
May you make your life an unregrettable and unforgettable experience!
CREDIT: AI-Generated Examples done on Leonardo.AI
Thursday, December 5, 2024
The Power of Pluralism
It isn’t about compromising entirely and losing your own convictions. It’s about building bridges and coming together despite our differences when there’s a common goal to achieve or problem to solve. You can gather around and be civil with others for a specific purpose. You don’t have to view them as your best pal and give yourself wholly to them. Boundaries are as important as certain compromises can be.
There will be people who, if at all, must be treated at a distance and/or with vigilance because they have shown to be harmful or dangerous, and cannot be trusted, or to be left be with minimal to no interaction, as their manner of being has proved to be detrimental to you and yours. But otherwise, for inclusive progress that is broader and greater, gotta work with people who don’t share your exact same principles, values, and beliefs - at least every once in a while, here and there.
For me, I do have the luxury of cutting as many people as I wish to out of my life. I made sure my lifestyle allowed me that. Growing up forced to be in the company of people who were literally driving me to the brink, I swore I’d never go through the same again. But you can bet that sometimes I do put my own desires and preferences aside - when there’s a job to be done and putting myself above that would just be awfully self-centered. Yet, as human beings, we all have our undeniable limits and it’s on us to note what they are so we can respect them and not lose ourselves.
Humans are complex, but also gifted in many ways. Ways that may be more complementary than they are contradicting. And we miss out on that when we let prejudices dictate our every move. Figuring out what rules and norms to set in place for things to run smoothly enough would be The Challenge. And likely an ongoing task...
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Business or Charity? Both?
It definitely doesn’t have to be one or the other. In fact, existing exclusively as one or the other can lead to failure.
If you orient yourself too fully to business, which seems like the smartest thing to do, there will be lines that you will be crossing, of questionable morals and ethics. And while you could keep going in such a way, it will be causing numerous problems for you to tend to or attempt to ignore. The chances of it imploding or you breaking under the pressure would continue to increase. Until it happens. (And if you’ve got any conscience, you wouldn’t enjoy that sort of existence.)
Alternatively, orienting yourself too fully to charity, which seems like the noblest thing to do, whether in the strict or wider sense of the word, can have you adopting beliefs against the very actions that would take you further or at least keep you afloat. And if providing for others is your intention, you must put and maintain yourself in positions that allow you to. The same or better. Instead of ceasing to exist.
You can find a balance and incorporate both attitudes into what you’re doing. Without any guilt or shame. The how would depend on what is it you do, which strategies and tactics would best suit it, taking into account what is relevant for its success. Whether you’re (re)introducing something or adjusting based on current offer and demand.
Naturally, you would have a stronger inclination to one than another side. And perhaps, despite knowing better, you are perpetually compelled to keep inching toward it. It can be as relieving to treat everything as a transaction as it can be relieving to treat everything as a contribution. But there comes a point where you must pull back to the other side. It doesn’t have to be an equal distribution. You don’t have to sit precisely in the center. People are born to deal with one side more than the other. And if it’s simply not in you, you can delegate it.
What comes easiest to you? What invigorates you the most and barely ever tires you? This could be circumstantial, and you could have different answers at different periods, as your brain pushes to activate and develop in various sections. But there may ultimately be a default for you to lean into.
CREDIT: AI-Generated Examples done on Leonardo.AI
Christmas Month
December arrives again!
And with it, at last, the Christmas mood.
If you enjoy this holiday (secularly or not), you can indulge it with me.
I celebrate it with festive and solidary content and vibes here and there.
And with it, at last, the Christmas mood.
If you enjoy this holiday (secularly or not), you can indulge it with me.
I celebrate it with festive and solidary content and vibes here and there.
Another Winter
Another winter arrives…
Sanctuaries, lights, cookies, and milk.
With the dark getting darker and the cold colder,
It is time to celebrate past work and prepare for future work.
You deserve retreat, rest, and restoration.
Sanctuaries, lights, cookies, and milk.
With the dark getting darker and the cold colder,
It is time to celebrate past work and prepare for future work.
You deserve retreat, rest, and restoration.
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