They’re bigger, and stronger, and maybe even faster. Do you even stand a chance? You do. Monsters, by nature, have one major disadvantage: They are monsters.
This means that their actions, their motivations, and their intentions, are monstrous too. At least enough of them to grant them the title. And if you can identify them as such, you can begin leaving them without much to use against you. You might not beat them entirely, but it is quite possible that you can get them to a point where they can no longer harm you as much.
What kind are they? Are they obvious, where all around can see them being monstrous, or are they sneaky, where you’d have to pay close attention to notice their monstrous strategies and tactics? The former has more room to move and do terrible things, but the latter is more likely to get away with them.
In either case, take note of what they’re doing. How gross and nasty is it? Monsters usually are desperate for power. Not because it will allow them to do more for the world or for others, but because they are pathetically fearful without it. They ought to dominate, to control, to somehow be above and beyond others because they cannot handle a scenario in which they aren’t. And they would go with any means for it. Lying to themselves, lying to others, and overall being weak in areas that you might not be. Such as actually being fine with yourself.
You can call them out right away or continue to observe how far they’d go for longer. Caution, though, you’re giving them more time to do more with as you wait for more samples. This can be detrimental and dangerous to you. But if you’re watching from a safe distance and your spot is secured, you might want to let them be for a bit (unless you better intervene for others’ sake). Then gather what they’ve shown you.
How deluded are they? How much are they overcompensating for? How miserable are they making themselves? How much are they attributing to you (projecting) what is theirs to own up to? How better would we be without them? These questions, reflected upon enough, would render a significant portion of their words and actions null. At least the ones attempting to make you feel worthless and/or subordinate to them.
From there, you must use your autonomy, remorselessly, to either further deal with them or completely remove them from your life.
CREDIT: AI-Generated Examples done on Leonardo.AI