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Monday, July 1, 2024

What Happens when you Fall In Love with an Artist?

Valentine sweetheart this, summer love that. But what about being in love with an artist? It largely depends on what kind of artist it is, but there are a few peculiarities that might be encountered when falling in love with an artist:

• Wondering if they’re in love with you or in love with love.
• Not knowing if they’re still looking for tragedy for their art or for their happy ending.
• Worrying you won’t be stimulating enough, that you won’t inspire them and can’t be their muse.
• Concerned you won’t be able to keep up with them or that you’ll be holding them back.
• While intrigued and fascinated by their interests, and respectful of them, afraid it’ll be discouraging that you do not share them.
• Bizarre, to say the least, people in their circle that you’re not sure you’ll be able to stand for long.
• Inability to comprehend how they could even like someone as simple as you.
• Being such a fan of their work that you dread the possibility of it ending or drastically changing once with you.
• Wanting to express yourself as beautifully to them as they do to you and failing to (not necessarily bitter or resentful about it, though).
• Having the subtlest of signs noticed and hoping they won’t be misread or more disturbing than they ought to be.

Additionally, unless they've made it blatantly clear that you are their priority and their past is in the past, it could be confusing when they go over or bring back artwork that was made for and encapsulates their story with others, likely reconnecting with it too. And it is something to learn to be okay with because they cannot and should not give up their history and the artworks that came out of it.

This is not to discourage anyone from loving an artist, of course. Just things that happen (and must be discussed at some point). But totally worth it when they’re genuinely loving.