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Sunday, June 4, 2023

Points on Confidence

 #1  You cannot lie your way into being truly confident. True confidence must be based on truth. If you minimize others’ qualities and virtues while aggrandizing your own, or generally refuse to see things as they are, you are merely feeding delusion and will remain defensive against what could trigger your insecurities.

 #2  Preparation and acceptance are the foundation of confidence. To push but also come to terms with your limits, making your best good enough and acknowledging that.

 #3  Lack of confidence may seem harmless, and it often is, but some of the most toxic and destructive behaviors, to self and to others, can arise from insecurities. 

 #4  There is such a thing as being arrogant or cocky, or simply overconfident. But a lot of the time, people will try to humble you for no reason other than to pull you down to their level or below - whether they’re aware of it or not, and whether out of concern for you or for themselves.

 #5  Building up your confidence can save you from indulging and tolerating subpar conditions and situations. When you are confident, standing up for yourself, raising standards, and setting boundaries come naturally.