Sunday, December 25, 2022
Types of Fans you will Encounter as an Artist
• The Protector
They will protect you as though what affects you, affects them. They will defend and attack on your behalf. Maybe they’re natural debaters and can take it as a challenge and an exercise - and like and know you enough to be invested. Or they cannot stand to see any injustice done toward you and not do anything about it, regardless of how conflict-averse they are. Whatever the case, even if it pains you to have others “fight your battles”, they’ll take it up so you can keep doing what you do.
• The Collector
They adore you and what you do, so they will collect as much as they can of your work (making purchases and more) because, for one reason or another, it brings them inexplicable joy and fulfillment. They will cherish these things, possibly down to minute details and on to all that they entail. And this alone can inspire and motivate you to keep putting thought and care into your work to an extraordinary degree.
• The Promoter
You’ve impressed them and they figure you will impress others too, so they spread the word about you. This might be done selectively, where they only tell those that seem like they would enjoy your work too, or impulsively, where they simply cannot keep their mouth shut about you because they consider you that great - and everyone must know you! They might even be pushy or employ persuasion so that others will give you a chance and see how valuable you are.
• The Geek
Intellectually curious and insatiable, they will become experts on you and what you do. They’ll understand you better than most and even be able to make accurate predictions on you. Smear campaigns will have little to no effect on them because they have the facts. And if not, they’ll seek them out. And although they may entertain speculation and consider opinions, they’ll ultimately stick to what’s true. That being so, the truth will set you free.
• The Trendy
It’s not so much that they personally appreciate you, it’s more so that you’re hip - or about to be! They move with what’s popular. Or at least with what’s fresh and different, shaking things up, even if only for a moment. They see others taking an interest in you and they want to do that too. To be part of the group or of the conversation. They might indeed like you after all, but are prone to move on with ease once you’re no longer the hot topic.
• The Competition
“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” These people will study you closely, your weaknesses and your strengths, considering you a rival. They might be open about this or feign comradery. But take any chance they can or even throw you under the bus to get ahead of you. They’re not as concerned with their own potential as they are with surpassing you. Might copy you (or clumsily attempt to). You’ll have to be 5+ steps ahead of them so they won’t catch up.
Not Recommendable
• The Envious
You’ve got what they want and they can hardly bear it. They might love-hate you for it. Even if they are aware of it and keep it under control, it’s unlikely that they will be supportive of you. On the contrary, it’s probable that they will chip away at you with nitpicky complaints and passive-aggressive comments. Subtly and gradually or blatantly and abruptly demoralizing and devitalizing.
• The Harasser
They’re addicted to you - or to engaging you, pushing your buttons, and getting a rise out of you. They will actively and constantly pester you with questions and accusations with no regard for your peace. You may ignore them or even block them, but they may have managed to unsettle you anyway. And if they cannot get directly at you, they could try to get others to do it for them. Exasperating and exhausting.
• The Creep
Their admiration got out of hand. It became a concerning obsession. Not only for their own well-being, but for yours too. They’ll be out of line in what they say and do and may continue no matter how uncomfortable they are visibly making you. You might feel responsible for them, as though it’s your fault it got to that point, although that might not be the case. ‘No’ and setting boundaries might not be enough.
• The Stalker
Either they will be completely stealth or they will induce paranoia in you. As the latter, you may notice them knowing a bit too much about you or you may catch them in places where you didn’t expect them to be. You will be wondering if odd events are a coincidence or not. They will have no respect for your privacy, prying into your present and digging into your past beyond what you willingly share. They may try to justify this extreme behavior or even blame you for hiding something or not being transparent enough, whether or not you’re guilty of any crime.
Alternatively, as a fan, do you see yourself among the Not Recommendable or the Tolerable/Manageable and don’t like it? Start/keep working on your improvement.
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Types of Clients you will Encounter as an Artist
• The Funder
They look forward to your success. Not only do they want you to survive, but they want you to thrive in your work. Because of this, not only will they become a regular client, but may also make generous contributions every now and then. Be that as money or as other types of resources. They might become personally invested and assist your progress in various ways over time.
• The Tipper
They recognize the value of your work, the effort put into it, and/or how rough things have been or currently are. Therefore, besides paying the agreed-upon amount, they will add something extra in gratitude and consideration. Or they could just be generous by default and in the habit of always tipping. But perhaps they begrudgingly tip for another reason. In any case, you end up rewarded.
• The Appreciative
They will make you and what you do feel beyond worthwhile. Maybe they won’t show you in your preferred ways how grateful they are, but they will genuinely cherish what you made. Possibly be sentimental about it. Vocal or not, you can tell by how they treat it (or by the 5 stars or 10/10 rating they leave you afterward).
• The Flexible
Got a peculiar way of going about it? No problem! They can adapt. And while they won’t stand for scams or being taken advantage of, they can be quite understanding and even forgiving. If you miss a deadline or have to postpone it, they won’t be too appalled. If something comes up and you cannot deliver as expected, they will adjust their expectations. Don’t get too comfortable, though, because even they have a limit.
• The Indecisive
They can’t make up their mind. They will ask for something, and then for something else contrary to that. Or they won’t ask for anything but ask you to present them with options - and then some more. They may be conscious and apologetic about it, but still have a hard and difficult time deciding. You may have to step in and make decisions for them or lead them into making favorable ones.
• The Flirt
Do they get special treatment if they seduce you? They will try to find out. It is possible to meet your other half through work, but this is unlikely to be the case. They will attempt to charm you for better deals for them or simply because they find you attractive and getting your attention thrills them. It gets in the way of productivity and efficiency and you will have to set firm boundaries.
Not Recommendable
• The “The Customer Is Always Right”
These people may have heard the phrase and ran with it out of context and proportion. They believe they know better than you, as though they didn’t come to you because you knew better than them. They will “correct” you and be petty, never satisfied unless it all goes their way. Which would be fine if they were indeed right, or at least within the bounds of acceptable, but they aren’t. Your talent and expertise are going to waste. You could please them and have an atrocity with your name attached to it in your history or remove yourself from the situation somehow.
• The Overentitled
You owe them. Why? Just because. There is little to no logic and rationality in it if you think it through. But it can be traced back to a belief in their grandiosity or the grandiosity of their cause. They may believe that they are doing you a favor or that it is an honor to serve them. May shame and guilt-trip you to get their way. They’ll come up with senseless arguments to try to convince you that it is your obligation to bend to their will and whims.
• The Stingy
Whether they can afford to or not, they’d rather not pay. They will bargain for lower prices, making excuses. And if those don’t work, they might begin attacking the price, claiming it is too high. And to argue for that, they will begin attacking your products and/or services, claiming that they are not of much quality or prestige to make it count. Even if they give up and pay the initial price, they will do so resentfully - perhaps after succeeding at shaking your confidence and sense of worth. And if they do get a discount, you’ll probably wonder if they deserved it.
• The Rusher
Zero patience. They must be your top priority and treated with the urgency of an emergency. Will they pay extra for that? Likely not. Are they an extraordinary client that has earned VIP treatment? Also likely not. May constantly check on you for updates and even delay your progress while doing so, then complain about how slow you are. Will they give you a hand to finish sooner? No, they won’t. Their insistence on speedy delivery is their contribution.
Alternatively, as a client, do you see yourself among the Not Recommendable or the Tolerable/Manageable and don’t like it? Start/keep working on your improvement.
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Types of Bosses you will Encounter as an Artist
• The Faithful
Complete faith in you. They will entrust you with plenty of resources and also important matters, believing that you are capable and responsible. And even if you aren’t quite so, you might end up becoming it to not let them down. There might be some indifference involved on their part, not having much to lose, but it’s just as possible that they are indeed that confident, despite the risks, that you can and will handle it properly.
• The Aware
As conscious as they come. They are cognizant of actions and their consequences, what things entail and imply, which factors to consider and which are affecting the process and the result, how much potential there is, and how to fulfill it. They might know you better than you do and anticipate your needs and wants so that it all runs smoothly.
• The Accommodating
Willing to go the extra mile to make sure you’re fine. They make it a priority to provide you with what you require to do your best, aiming to boost your performance. Whatever is keeping you from being more productive or from making the most out of your abilities, they will take care of. You will run out of excuses.
• The Buddy
By your side. They may lead, direct, and correct you along the way, but as someone that walks with you rather than ahead of you. They don’t rejoice in being your superior and rarely act in ways that would remind you that they are. Threatening and disciplining you are the last resort. They’d rather have it loose and amicable unless a more intense and serious approach is required.
• The Clumsy
Not the most competent around. May have to pick up after them or even do their job at times. It’s extra work but it could be worse. They may be trying but failing to gracefully tend to their duties. And if that’s the case, they’ll recognize your assistance and possibly be embarrassed by their shortcomings.
• The Stifling
Getting in your way. Whether it is through pessimism, catastrophizing, micromanaging, strictness, or something else. You are unable to function optimally because of their behavior and would have to verbalize this and ask them for room to maneuver.
Not Recommendable
• The Unaccountable
Not to be blamed. It’s never their fault, it’s yours - or someone or something else’s. They can be convincing and deflect as often as it is convenient to them. If you’re not alert and firm in the truth, you’ll believe there is something wrong with you or with others while continuing to be confused and unable to pinpoint what’s happening. Yet, continual exposure to this can leave anyone disoriented.
• The Tyrant
Enslaving and cruel. You owe them everything, they owe you little (or nothing at all). May keep you as an intern and make you do unrelated chores that you did not sign up for, for as long as they can get away with it. Pay is the bare minimum or below that. And don’t you dream about getting a raise. Complaining can get you fired on the spot.
• The Brute
Doesn’t get it. Claims that you’re oversensitive and that you should toughen up. Treats your job like labor that is void of intellectual and emotional elements. Expects you to just comply and deliver on command, repeatedly and with few to no breaks. Puts you in detrimental habitats and cannot grasp why your performance is so low.
• The Egotistical
It’s not about the work, it’s about them. Their power and their status are what drive them. They’ll look down on you and expect you to look up to them. Not doing so will be taken as a major offense. They surround themselves with those who flatter them and agree with them and will easily discard those that don’t. They haven’t quite earned respect but demand it.
Alternatively, as a boss, do you see yourself among the Not Recommendable or the Tolerable/Manageable and don’t like it? Start/keep working on your improvement.
Sunday, December 4, 2022
If you're starting out as an Artist...
• Art is not for everyone but it is for more people than it would appear.
However, it depends on the art form that is adopted and the degree to which it is taken. But maybe you’re more artistic than you realize!
• Art can be done full-time or part-time, as a job or as a hobby, regularly or occasionally.
You may be tempted or pressured toward one or the other, but only you would be able to know for sure what is meant for you. And although all options have their pros and cons, they’re all fine if they’re what suits you.
• Art is a human need and a human want regardless.
Whether it is doing and making art or consuming and appreciating it, it is in our nature to turn to art for a plethora of reasons. If it is as though you can’t live without it, you’re probably right.
• Art pursuits can be anywhere from insanely ambitious to inconceivably complacent.
And it’s all valid. You don’t have to aim for revolutionary and unforgettable work to allow yourself to get into art. And you don’t have to “humble yourself down” and “be realistic” either if taking the chance against the odds is worth it to you.
• Art as a path is misunderstood, ridiculed, and discouraged by many.
Until it starts to make sense and return benefits. You can be deterred by that or push through. It won’t be easy if that’s the circumstance that you’re surrounded by. Nevertheless, you can eventually find people that support you instead and focus on them more to keep moving forward...