What are you, in particular, capable of? While it is true that all of us have at least something of value to bring to the Earth, it is also true that within us lie different gifts. And we’re given a lifetime to discover and uncover what they are to make them a part of all else. Playing a role in the ecosystem.
It goes back, to your parents and their ancestry. It relates to numerous factors during your formation in the womb. And it continues on from the moment of your birth. What made you exactly? And what turned out from that? You are both your nature and your nurture. And that, for better or for worse, can be a highly specific result. You may be anything from the most awaited savior to the most catastrophic menace. Perhaps a step in evolution. Or someone who can, directly or indirectly, awaken and foster more advanced qualities in others.
Undeniably, whether we notice and acknowledge them or not, multiple forces, in and out, are at all times influencing and impacting our development, affecting us in ways that may or may not be reversible. It becomes who you are, temporarily or permanently. As what you must be to survive or even thrive. Maybe what you inescapably exist as.
You may realize that your needs and wants aren’t so predictable after all. Yes, there are basic things we all need and many things we all want, but it can get more detailed than that. And when that happens, it can be a hassle to explain them, let alone justify them, to those who do not (or cannot) relate. The formula works for them, so why doesn’t it work for you? Well, maybe because you’re built and wired differently, to serve a different purpose - one that is worthy too.
Like any other being, you’ve got your limits. We might not like to admit this, but we do. Some are imaginary. Some are self-imposed. Some are imposed by others. And some are very real, no matter what. Furthermore, some serve you and some don’t. Making these distinctions and identifying what your limits are can help bring you more into alignment with what is meant to flourish out of you.
You’ll encounter obstacles obstructing your better and greater version. And when that is the case, you must overcome them, go around, get through, or even demolish them. So that you don’t stagnate. Or what is worse, die from a lack of life. Meaning, your growth was so stalled that the flow throughout you was impeded.
If all goes well, though, you could be one of the fortunate ones who achieve their full potential (or close to it) as a symbiotic organism within a larger organism. And what a grand blessing that would be to the world!
Unfortunately though, when people are short-sighted and narrow-minded, they are prone to miss or even shun this possibility. Instead, attempt to force conformance to a mold that was never made for you. Robbing you and those around you of what would have been your most splendid, possibly unique, contributions.