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Sunday, March 2, 2025

From a Seed to a Full-Blown Tree

What are you, in particular, capable of?
While it is true that all of us have at least something of value to bring to the Earth, it is also true that within us lie different gifts. And we’re given a lifetime to discover and uncover what they are to make them a part of all else. Playing a role in the ecosystem.

It goes back, to your parents and their ancestry. It relates to numerous factors during your formation in the womb. And it continues on from the moment of your birth. What made you exactly? And what turned out from that? You are both your nature and your nurture. And that, for better or for worse, can be a highly specific result. You may be anything from the most awaited savior to the most catastrophic menace. Perhaps a step in evolution. Or someone who can, directly or indirectly, awaken and foster more advanced qualities in others.

Undeniably, whether we notice and acknowledge them or not, multiple forces, in and out, are at all times influencing and impacting our development, affecting us in ways that may or may not be reversible. It becomes who you are, temporarily or permanently. As what you must be to survive or even thrive. Maybe what you inescapably exist as. 

You may realize that your needs and wants aren’t so predictable after all.
Yes, there are basic things we all need and many things we all want, but it can get more detailed than that. And when that happens, it can be a hassle to explain them, let alone justify them, to those who do not (or cannot) relate. The formula works for them, so why doesn’t it work for you? Well, maybe because you’re built and wired differently, to serve a different purpose - one that is worthy too.

Like any other being, you’ve got your limits. We might not like to admit this, but we do. Some are imaginary. Some are self-imposed. Some are imposed by others. And some are very real, no matter what. Furthermore, some serve you and some don’t. Making these distinctions and identifying what your limits are can help bring you more into alignment with what is meant to flourish out of you.

You’ll encounter obstacles obstructing your better and greater version. And when that is the case, you must overcome them, go around, get through, or even demolish them. So that you don’t stagnate. Or what is worse, die from a lack of life. Meaning, your growth was so stalled that the flow throughout you was impeded. 

If all goes well, though, you could be one of the fortunate ones who achieve their full potential (or close to it) as a symbiotic organism within a larger organism. And what a grand blessing that would be to the world! 

Unfortunately though, when people are short-sighted and narrow-minded, they are prone to miss or even shun this possibility. Instead, attempt to force conformance to a mold that was never made for you. Robbing you and those around you of what would have been your most splendid, possibly unique, contributions.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Content Consumption Guide

At this point, there is already plenty around here to browse through and dive into. It can be overwhelming, exhausting even. So a guide is due!

Before you continue consuming the content stored and displayed on this site, you can go over and consider the following:

• All the content on TintySun, in one way or another, ultimately ties back to the mission of “Unbridling & Sustaining Artistic Abilities”. So if you’re wondering why a piece is here and what its purpose is, it is essentially that.
• Not every related keyword is included in an article, but they’re still quite searchable through the more central ones.
• Posts are tagged, organized into categories and subcategories, which are accessible via the various menus plastered all around. (And more to come.)
• Mainly, this place is meant for artists and art enthusiasts. However, the definitions of such aren't strict at all. It might be for you too.
• What is covered can go from basic to advanced, from vague to specific, and from general to specialized. But in any case, having other sources of information is still encouraged.
• A release may not bring you something you don’t already know. But if that’s the case, you can take it as a reminder, a confirmation, and/or an emphasis. Or even simply as something that puts into words (and/or other mediums) what you already know.
• Certain posts are spontaneous, made and published within the moment, but a large amount of them were done ahead of time and scheduled to automatically publish on their own at a given date (with or without revisions the day before).
• Posts will be brought up again when, for any reason, the topics addressed become relevant once more and it's worth revisiting them.
• Minor and major changes might be made to existing posts. An “edited” sign may or may not appear, depending on significance.
• Finally, you must be discerning. See for yourself where what is explained or described applies or is applicable.

If you have any questions, you can also send them in.


Here we go again!
Happy Birthday to all in advance in case I miss it.
(But let’s try not to.)

Spring Once More

Spring arrives once more...
Do you know what that means?
It means we move forward.
New and different awaits.
And better be ready for it.

Friday, February 21, 2025

I’m Sorry if I don’t Seem Very Professional

Lately, especially with younger generations, and more with artists, strict etiquette and formalities aren’t demanded or even expected. Quite the opposite, a more laid-back and personable approach tends to be preferred. However, having and showing a degree of respect and consideration for one another can’t go wrong (it’s twisted if it does). So, basically, don’t worry too much and just be humane. Keep being professional in terms of your competence, reliability, and what you deliver. Being stable and secure matters more than appearing “serious” when building long-term. 

Could We Collaborate?

Chances are that you come from different backgrounds, different walks of life, and maybe that’s part of the magic that brings you together and that you can manifest together. However, it does come with the fact that you might not be on the same page right off the bat. You may be used to something and they may be used to something else. But as long as there are good intentions behind it and you give each other grace, you’re on your way to a mutually beneficial meeting in some middle. Ultimately clicking well. Unless you just aren’t compatible enough, requiring compromises where there shouldn’t be. If that’s the case, make peace with it and drop it without needless hostility. Maybe you’re not meant for this, yet meant for something else.

How Did You Find Me?

It is totally okay, tactful even, in today’s atmosphere, where almost everyone is active online and has something to show for it, to initiate a conversation with something along the lines of “I’ve seen you around.” You can mention whether you found them via a search or a share, or merely by scrolling/swiping, admit that you’ve been reading and/or viewing for a while and that’s why you eventually reached out to them, and go from there with further details about it. What caught your attention, what stood out for you, etc. All fine to bring up. At some point, could even point out if you noticed anything particularly peculiar and ask about it. It really isn’t weird behavior this far along.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Pisces' Description

Pisces, the twelfth and last sign, is a water and mutable sign, sensitive and compassionate. Known for its empathetic nature and artistic flair, Pisces swims in the depths of emotion and imagination. Often associated with spirituality, as it taps into the subconscious realms to channel and create works out of inspiration. It is the dreamiest of all. Adaptable and fluent, it navigates the currents of life with ease. Or it may become weary with the day-to-day tedium.

Spiritually, Pisces culminates in unity and transcendence. It teaches us the importance of surrendering to the flow of the universe and embracing our interconnectedness with all beings.

For context and more of relevance, please read about The Zodiac.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Do you View your Partner as a Partner?

Or even just as a person. It may be bypassed, but it is key to much. When you have a partner, whether that’s for casual or committed activities or endeavors, how you view them affects how you treat them which affects what becomes of the partnership. So what are they to you? What is the person who is your partner?

Whether you realize it or not, and whether it is intentional or not, you may fall into one or more of the following views, failing to check and correct yourself: An object for your pleasure. A milestone for your sense of accomplishment. A trophy for recognition. A slave to delegate labor to. A money-granting machine. A sperm donor/incubator for your offspring. A piece of evidence of your orientation. A prompt for your inspiration and motivation.

That’s not to say that having a partner that fulfills any of those roles, and that you happen to acknowledge it, is the problem. The problem arises when it stops at that. Because then it is more, or all, about what they do for you rather than what you two can do - and be - for each other. And you may say, “Well, I do things for them too!” Maybe. But how willingly? How many times do you have to be asked, begged, complained, and yelled at, or even “punished”, for you to start doing your part? Does it take the threat of losing them or the reality of such for you to start being a proper partner to them? And even then, you’re still trying to get by doing the bare minimum to keep them around? At that point, you’re already a major disappointment.

To view your partner as a partner and be a partner to them, you must take into account their needs and their wants - and work toward meeting them. With clear communication, maybe a few compromises, and continued efforts to harmonize with them. Intuition and empathy if you’re capable of grasping more with those. If that seems like too much for you, then it’s likely that either you’re not a match or you’re simply looking for somebody to exploit for your benefit (taking without giving). If the former, you should come to terms with it and make way for someone who is more aligned with you and what you can offer (and for someone else to be what you couldn’t be for them). If the latter, may what has to happen to you happen.

So you do care about doing right by your partner? Then sit and ponder.
- Have I been honest about my intentions?
- Do I respect and honor them as an individual separate from me?
- Do I look for ways in which I can be a complement and enhancement to them?
- Do I improve instead of allowing myself to be a hindrance and detriment to them?
- Does bringing joy and relief to them bring me joy and relief as well?
- Does sharing our burdens and struggles lighten the load as we assist each other?
- Am I content to get closer and bond further or do I become guarded and avoidant?
- Am I getting to know more about them so that I can understand (and anticipate) what they require?
- Am I recognizing and rewarding their contributions or taking them for granted?
- Are they supported, encouraged, and safe to be their most authentic and greatest self with me?

Some people are simply not ready to have a partner. Please admit this to yourself when it is the case. Don’t drag others into your ambivalence, nonchalance, and/or unavailability because you’re somehow convinced that you shouldn’t be single or that your mere attraction is a gift to others. If they’re attractive, that’s on them. Chances are that you’re not going to be the first or last person to be drawn by what is valuable in them. Please work on yourself or leave others alone. You’re not owed a partner for desiring one.

Learn to be a partner to your partner.

Alright, Let’s Talk About It

For February, I would like to habitually bring a little something to gradually cover important aspects of having and holding intimate relationships that could go overlooked or even denied. Sex & romance are often a topic, in and out of art, and can affect much of our lives, with either their absence or their presence. So as part of my mission of “Unbridling & Sustaining Artistic Abilities”, I will also be sharing what I can in this regard. (Revisions and additions may be done over time.)